Enhancing Hospital Efficiency for All.

The all-in-one platform for modern hospitals. Digitize your hospital in under 5 minutes. Begin your journey here.

Relying on aggregators to acquire patients?

Confused about EMR complexity and staff capability?

Struggling with multiple vendors?

Does someone else own your data?

If your answer is yes to any of the above, then it's time to shift to NeftX.

Did you know?

Over 75% of patients choose hospitals with a strong online presence, genuine reviews, and digitized services.

Patient Acquisition

Attract more patients with our comprehensive digital presence solutions.

Beat Aggregators

With our SEO-optimized website module, rank higher in search results and beat aggregators at their own game.

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Ease of Appointment Booking

Simplify the appointment booking process for your patients with our user-friendly interface.

Appointment Booking Image

You can connect your custom domains to our website module at zero cost.

Patient Portal

Provide a seamless experience for your patients with access to their medical records, appointments, and more through our patient portal.

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90% of software solutions follow a one-size-fits-all approach. NeftX follows a modular design that removes unnecessary complexities.

Hospital Management System

Most comprehensive and extensive HMS.

Collaborative, customizable, and easy to use.


End to end with e-prescriptions, billing, and day reports.


Complete IPD solution from admission to bed management to discharge summary.


Integrated labs module to enter reports and track abnormalities.


From stock management to complete POS. Linked to OPD.


Track your marketing spend to patient lifetime value. Manage the business part of your hospital.


Task management system for your staff.

Did you know?

HMS can reduce manual errors by at least 90%.


EMR adoption is very low in India due to complex user experience and double entry by doctors and admin. NeftX is interoperable, with all modules interconnected to save redundancy.

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You can track your marketing ROI with our extensive 360 module.

Customizable Workflows

No two doctors or hospitals work the same way. NeftX provides flexibility to design workflows at hospital, doctor, and consult levels, making it fit your requirements.

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Do you know?

What separates corporates from standalone hospitals and clinics? The technology toolkit. That’s exactly what NeftX provides.

Specialty-Specific EMR

NeftX offers specialty-specific EMR solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of different medical specialties.

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Patient Retention

Keep your patients engaged and satisfied with our advanced retention tools.

Personalized Care

Provide personalized treatment plans and follow-ups to enhance patient satisfaction and loyalty.

Patient Feedback

Utilize patient feedback to continuously improve services and build trust.


Maintain consistent communication with patients through automated reminders and updates.

Convenient Access

Offer easy access to medical records and appointment scheduling through a patient portal.

Engagement Tools

Use engagement tools like health tips, newsletters, and wellness programs to keep patients engaged and informed.

Informative Blogs

Share informative and educational blogs to keep patients informed about health topics and hospital updates.


Register now to explore how NeftX can help your hospital management and patient care.